What is Foreign Health (Resident Permit) Insurance?
Residence insurance is actually another name for foreign health insurance. It is mandatory for foreign individuals who plan to reside in Turkey. This insurance allows foreign individuals to access and receive health services in Turkey. In addition, foreign individuals who wish to obtain residence or work permits from official authorities in Turkey are also required to take out this insurance.
Work Permit for Foreigners in Turkey
Work permit for foreigners in Turkey is the permission granted by the Republic of Turkey to foreign nationals to work in the country legally. This permit enables foreigners to have the right to work in Turkey and to protect their rights legally.
There are three types of work permits for foreigners living in Turkey: 1-Limited Work Permit, 2-Unlimited Work Permit, 3-İndependent Work Permit

Residence Permit for Foreigners in Turkey
Residence permit applications for foreigners in Turkey are managed by the Directorate General of Migration Management. Applications are usually made online and required documents must be submitted. The duration of residence permit may vary depending on the purpose of the application and the accuracy of the documents submitted.